Resources for Professional Women

Finding resources for helping women succeed in their professional lives can be difficult as strategies that men use do not always translate well to women. Consider that in 2018 the Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum estimates that we still have 108 years to close the global economic gender gap, while research continues to find systematic gender bias in the way that individuals interpret female behaviours at work. For example, a recent Stanford University dissertation by K. Hilton on interruptions found that gender effects in the way that listeners rated speakers performing identical scripts in audio clips. Following an interruption (a.k.a. speaking up or taking initiative in that meeting!) male listeners were more likely to view a female speaker as ruder, less friendly and less intelligent than a male speaker, while female listeners did not show a significant bias in favor of female or male speakers.

Given the difficulties that women face in their professional lives, I am passionate about helping women find resources that empower them with knowledge and strategies. I'd like to share my newest discovery on this topic, HBR's podcast Women at Work. Check it out for a more nuanced conversation that includes research on gender and work, personal experience and strategies:

I recommend starting with 'Self-Disclose at Work' (Season 2- Episode 11). They make the case that to advance in your career you need to get your bosses and colleagues to invest in you, and people invest in people that they know. For that reason alone, it's important to engage in strategic self-disclosure. Furthermore, when you don't give people an explanation for your behaviours, they will fill in the gaps for you. Sometimes it will be in ways that are not advantageous to you! Learning the art of self-disclosure can be a source of power, because it allows you to control your narrative at the workplace while building quality professional connections. To not be caught off guard in the moment, consider beforehand what you feel comfortable sharing (why or why not), as well as what narrative would be most advantageous to your career in the long-term.

For additional resources, check out my recommendations on Women in Leadership:

  • Frankel, L. P. (2014). Nice girls don't get the corner office: Unconscious mistakes women make that sabotage their careers. Hachette UK.

  • Humphrey, J. (2014). Taking the stage: How women can speak up, stand out, and succeed. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Harvard Business Review (2018). HBR's 10 must reads on women and leadership. HBR Press.

  • Shipman, C., & Kay, K. (2014). The confidence code: The science and art of self-assurance. Harper Business.

  • Rezvani, S. (2009). The next generation of women leaders: What you need to lead but won't learn in business school. Praeger.

  • Know your stats: The World Economic Form  - Global Gender Report:

  • Highly recommended Podcast - HBR Women at work:

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